THIS is Buddy. He's a biter. Like Katie said, you'd never know it from his costume and blank look on his face, but get too close, he'll bite your face off. He was a rescue and his manners have improved ten-fold since she first brought him to my house. Regardless, I love Buddy!
On a totally different note, I was checking out msn.com and ran upon this article about 1 person towns versus the census....? I mean, WHAT?? First off, who would want to be a 1 person town?? Why? How lonely would that be? That makes me think of like, creating your own little world, naming it and....nevermind. Regardless. Elsie Eiler (thats her real name) lives in a 1 person town. Her. In Nebraska. Sounds miserable.
Anyway, here I am at work again and today is REALLY SLOW. I crocheted myself a headband. That took all of 37.3 minutes, but its pretty! Black, pink, blue, and white. Then I sat in the sun for a bit outside and that was wonderful! Vitamin D!!! How i love thee! After I finish my stream of consciousness I'm going to go back to reading Chicken Soup for the Bride's Soul. (Thanks mom, and yes, I'm reading it!) Who knew they still made these books right? I thought I read all of them in middle school!
Ryan was kind of mean to me on the phone so I'm still pouting. I guess he is on the phone in front of his "manly" co-workers so he doesn't want them to see that he's actually a sweet guy...? Why call me then if you're going to be curt and defensive? Whatever. I'm going to go back to reading about Elsie Eiler.
buddy is very excited about his big debut... it's 7:26 am and he's awake. we're waiting for the calls from the hollywood animal reps. everyone else has a reality show, why not mr. buds?! have a good day my bestest friend.